Love or Money is Not a Coin Toss
Loving Single
I want all women to be at peace with being successful and single since it will happen to many more women. We don’t need to feel sorry for anyone because they are unpaired. We should stop perpetuating the lie of love and happiness.
Approximately 50% of all marriages end in divorce, with same-sex divorce rates slightly lower than heterosexual unions. Women outlive men by several years even when they don’t divorce. Many women cannot conceive, and many have no interest in parenting. Moreover, parents go through hell raising children. Parenting is over-glorified, and most love and marriage fantasies don’t come true.
As more doors open for women, it is possible that they will continue to thrive for achievements other than a life partner. Social evolution may increasingly make the permanent love commitment an accessory rather than a necessity. Meanwhile, I will continue supporting women to develop a deeper understanding of a few critical concepts to ease their minds.
Single Rules
1) If you are unhappy, being single is not the cause. There is nothing special that happens between a couple that is responsible for a person’s happiness. If you can be happy in a relationship, you can be happy by yourself. The more joy you experience single, the more pleasure you experience in a relationship. But YOU are the determining factor, not the relationship. The misunderstanding of this fact contributes to the increasing divorce rate.
2) Companionship comes in a variety. Successful people are busy and often need to prioritize their work over family dinners and events. But, outside of committed relationships, many companionships are available to single women. There are sister circles, workout groups, organizations, etc. There are many places you can find a person(s) to show up consistently in your life and make you feel important for years to come. Open your heart to all people instead of seeking a particular person to receive love from. Stop looking for the right ‘one’ and let more people have access to you.
3) You are entitled to safe sex without commitment. Too often, women have been guided to associate sex with love. They objectify themselves by treating their bodies as a prize. Physical desires can be met with decency and integrity without entering a contract. Too often, women succumb to the whims of another to direct their sexual behavior instead of entering sexual encounters from a position of empowerment. Learn to engage in sex for pleasure, no matter how much you like a person. You may enjoy being single more if you don’t turn sex into a contract request.
4)Pursuing love is a cultural ideal. The desire to have a life partner is a belief passed down to you. It’s one version of how to spend our lives. That doesn’t mean it must be your version — value whatever version of life you choose as a fulfillment of your desire.
When One Is Enough
Love and marriage are not rites of passage for women. Everyone searches for love because we’ve been told it’s natural. However, nature did not create an obsession with finding love. Culture did that long before you had any concept of what you would do with your life.
Being without a life partner is not a sacrifice for your career or anything else you pursue. Nothing is missing from your life. You have not failed at love. You are loveable, even when no one is your lover. You must know this at the deepest level to quench the socio-cultural desire to be partnered.
The objective is not to give up on love but to love yourself deeply enough to be unpartnered and happy. Ride the waves of life fully empowered to enjoy what is on your path without regret for what isn’t. Being a single, career-minded woman will put you in good company. Oprah, Condoleezza Rice, Queen Latifah, Tyra Banks, and Shonda Rhimes have yet to marry. Not all women judge their quality of life based on a relationship.
Though the women mentioned have wealth, money is not an understudy for love. Living in peace, finding purpose, and healing generational wounds are honorable incentives that deprioritize love. Of course, you can focus on these things within a relationship. But, the point is that they can fulfill you without a permanent relationship.
If you have a burning desire for a life partner, to the point where you cannot be happy without one, question yourself. How are you looking to be fulfilled, and why can’t you find fulfillment outside of a relationship? It is better to lose love to find yourself than to lose yourself to find love.
I hope you fall in love with yourself and your dreams. Share your gifts with the world and make it a better place. Give birth to new ideas and inventions that make life easier. Say “I do” to loving yourself for better or worse — in sickness and health — and til death do you part. I now pronounce you single and free.
- Bakari, R. (2021). The healing journey: Relationships and wellness guide. Karibu Publishing, Maricopa, AZ.
- DeTorres, R. (2021). Same sex marriage divorce rates. D and D Family Law Blog.
- Hopcroft, R. L. (2021). High income men have high value as long-term mates in the U.S.: Personal income and the probability of marriage, divorce, and childbearing in the U.S. Evolution and Human Behavior, 42(5), 409–417.
- Moss, G. (2016). 11 Badass women who never married. Bustle