Online services are available


Heal the Heart,

Empower the Mind

Build a team that is empowered to think creatively to solve problems and loves showing up to work. 

Helping You

Be Your best

Because She’s the Best

business is personal

When personal and professional development align, businesses/organizations solve problems more creatively. We customize trainings and consultations to align personal and professional development that empower teams to win.

Join Dr. Bakari’s “Seven exits” empowerment movement

Dr. Bakari is a scholar, thought leader, and pioneer in well-being empowerment movement.

She is committed to helping you live and work better.


When businesses and organizations are ready to invest in well-being, they trust the expertise of Dr. Rosenna Bakari because she has the experience, education, and programs to help you succeed.

Need Diversity Training?

Diversity Training

Rosenna Bakari, LLC offers on-site or on-line diversity training for corporate managers, organization leaders, educators, and counselors.

Certified Business

Subtle Experiences of Emotional Disempowerment
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