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DEI, Leadership & Retention strategies are more robust in environments that prioritize wellness.

According to the “Future Workplace 2021 HR Sentiment” survey, 68% of senior HR leaders rated employee well-being and mental health as top priorities. Mental well-being programs in the workplace affect the bottom line. The payoffs are consistent healthy engagement, openness to feedback, and creativity. Income and sign-on bonuses aren’t enough to retain quality employees anymore. Invest in programs that help your company offer more.

Diversity Makes a Difference

The thin line between helpful categorization and implicit bias means we must train our minds to recognize the difference. We must check our patterns of behavior against our nondiscrimination statements. Intentional diversity in business has the greatest impact. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion seminars are experiential to make an impact that supports behavioral change as well as educate.


We customize programs to meet the needs of executives for transformational leadership;.

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We customize programs to meet the needs of employees from entry-level to mid-level. Our programs are designed for full participation.

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We work with one-on-one clients with the option for personal payment or employer direct payment.

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Who We Serve

We love to work with companies and organizations that want to be responsive to the demand for wellness. Our clients are educational and community organizations. We benefit K-12 schools as well as colleges. Community organizations include nonprofits and government-supported programs. These high-burnout industries are responsible for supporting public well-being and often do so by sacrificing personal well-being. Our programs empower participants to care for themselves as well as they care for others.


Inquire by phone from 9 am – 9 pm eastern, 719-203-9178. You can leave inquiries by email at any time. Please allow 24 hours for a response. Email:

Subtle Experiences of Emotional Disempowerment
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