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Tag: Self-care

  • Familiar Habits that Make You Depressed

    No one feels good all the time. But, depressed people’s joy is significantly compromised. There is a sense of emotional unease even when life is going well. They don’t necessarily express sadness. Instead, their emotions may externalize as anger, pessimism, or apathy. Depressed people often have a short range of emotions. For example, if happiness…

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  • Why Talented People Fail

    Sometimes, no matter how gifted you are, only working hard will get you what you want. Talented people don’t learn to work hard when accustomed to effortless success. A gifted person uses few mental resources to accomplish the same task that the average person finds difficult. Because gifted people exert less effort, they can focus…

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  • Why Accepting Feedback is Difficult

    Self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-efficacy are areas of research that give a clear message. Positive feelings and expectations of self are essential.They are so important that our minds will misperceive information about others and the world to maintain positive feelings of self. Although many people profess to be their worst critic, research shows us that’s…

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  • Live Better than Pain-Free

    The most straightforward task is a challenge for a cluttered mind. Try sitting still in silence and counting backward from 100 to 1. It should take about a minute and a half, but the mind experiences time much slower when stillness is not an established routine. Silently counting is a mindless task unappreciated by the…

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  • How long does healing take

    How long does healing take? It takes as long as it takes. Some parts occur instantaneously. Other parts require repetition of practice. Paying attention to the present moment gives you the most momentum. Pay attention is the command from all gurus. But, paying attention is a practice that you grow into. It’s not a solution…

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  • How to Ask for What You Want

    I hear frequent complaints from people who need help getting what they want. They believe their boss doesn’t appreciate them, feel taken for granted by their spouse, or that friends don’t care about them. They express a victim mentality in their relationships by clinging to patterned responses that keep them frustrated. They always see the other…

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  • Lies and Half-Truths You Tell Yourself

    As a child, my father would not allow me to talk on the phone for more than 10 minutes. I grew up in the 70s when phones could accommodate one call at a time. A new caller would receive a busy signal. I understood that phone use was reserved for essential calls.However, my father was…

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  • Mastering Relationships

    How we manage our relationships can enhance our lives. Healthy relationships protect against depression, loneliness, and even aging. On the flip side, mismanaging relationships can hurt our emotional and physical health. Relationships are often the biggest challenge in people’s lives. The absence of close relationships, frequent uncoupling, or high conflict can cause emotional distress. Finding…

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  • How to Rebound Back

    Life hurts sometimes. No amount of money can bypass life’s tribulations. Storms will come. So, we should learn to weatherproof our lives. Divorce, job loss, grief, scandal, or illness can torment your mind indefinitely. Even minor problems can throw people off their game, such as an argument with a friend, not earning the highest score,…

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  • The Purpose of Joy

    The world lost a great human last week, Stephen tWitch Boss. The news brought me great sadness. Yet, I have nothing to say about the loss of the great dancer and entertainer who died by suicide. Rather than pondering why anyone makes a fatal decision about life, I want to raise issues about how the…

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  • More than Self-Care

    Your life won’t get substantially better by scheduling weekly massages and taking more days off from work. The stress you think you feel from the outside world is coming from within. The world is not responsible for your emotional distress. It’s showing you what you have inside. Your emotional distress is always operating in the…

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Subtle Experiences of Emotional Disempowerment
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